Saturday, August 20, 2005

Road Rage

In the hustle and bustle of today's fast paced day, many people find themselves simply overworked and underpaid. As all of us know, no matter how you look at it there are only 24 hours in one day. It happens to be one of the only things that mankind just can not change. The average American has much to do in only a short time. This, in my opinion, compounds eveyones stress. Driving your vehicle is the one and only place where you, as the vehicle operator, have complete control over your destiny. Nobody yelling at you to do this, or do that. Or, such and such isn't done yet. In the event that omnipotence is infringed upon in any fashion, sparks fly. Causing people to foam at the mouth, and conduct themselves in manners they may never have before and usually never would.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there Joe ... I thought I'd keep up with the tone of comments (hee) ...

Great Blog! Fun and informational! Let me provide you with a link to a site about (drumroll) ... cartoon animals with lymph node cancer who collapse at football practice whilst sporting beach shoes. Naturally, this information is brought to you courtesy of those news anchors who just won't quit! I suppose your best bet, friend, is to lead your local real estate developer to an effective prayer site!

At any rate, I do enjoy your blog thus far, and I'll be bookmarking it. You know ... me and all my cartoon animal pals. With lymph node cancer. In Beach shoes. Heh.

On a more serious note, I do tend to agree about the level of control while in our own vehicles. The notion does, however, lead me to wonder if this sense/desire for control has much to do with road rage .... kind of an interesting train of thought. Do we get so resentful of other drivers because they shatter our brittle sense of control? Maybe that's why manipulative drivers irk us to such a degree? Hmm .. I've gotta think about this. Good topic - very interesting.


August 20, 2005 9:06 PM  

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