Thursday, September 13, 2007

Boy ... The Times You Wish You Opted For The Camera Phone.

In the town where I live, the population is growing at a steady clip. This growth has yielded a substantial expansion in commercial retailers from fast food to pharmacies to banks, ... to fast food places with pharmacies and banks. Anyway, when I passed by the local Burger King last week, there was a large sign that stated the this particular location would be closed for a short time and to please visit the other Burger Kings in the area. Judging by the large hole between the highway and the King's store, I could only assume that during construction of the newest drug store (located only fifty feet from the Burger King), someone accidentally struck a underground utility forcing the fast food place to close. For the record, I passed the store on Thursday 4:30 p.m. ... they were open as usual the day before (Wednesday). On Friday at 9:00 a.m., the restaurant was gone ... ruble ... demolished, yet the "temporarily closed" sign still remains in the entrance to the parking lot to this day. Pictures to come.


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