You Never Get A Second Chance To Make Copies Of Your First Files
On Wednesday, May 30, I wrote a post about how my hard drive died, and have since found an affordable and easy solution.In fact, I liked it so much I decided to promote it. Mozy online backup offers a small unintrusive and secure system that runs in the background, and once a few simple settings are entered it's literally "set it and forget it" ... files of your choice are automatically backed up. Forget long waits for uploads, it is smart enough to only backup the files that have either changed or have been added since the last backup. They offer two different uses of the same service; A free 2 GB fully functional storage service that has no expiration and requires no credit card to get, or an unlimited storage capacity for $4.95 a month. After having my hard drive crap out without warning and losing everything on it, (all my work files and pictures ... including the pictures of my son from the day of his birth right up through a year and a half) knowing of this service in advance really would have been a cheap insurance policy and kept me out of hot water with the Mrs. To really get a good feel of how important you home or office computer may be to you, remove the power cord and give it to a friend to hold on to for two weeks ... you may be surprised how much you rely on it, and were not even aware that were. Again ... cheap insurance.
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