Roadside Assistance Or Laziness
In today's world of required certifications and training to perform just about any task, is it really too much to ask of licensed drivers to be capable of changing their own tires when they get a flat? I'm sure there will always be some bleeding heart out there that would claim that such a mandatory physical requirement and mechanical knowledge would render the drivers licensing program a complete and blatant discrimination, because it would bar the elderly, physically handicapped and learning disabled from obtaining a drivers license. Well ... if they're that mentally and physically deficient ... maybe they should be operating a motor vehicle at highway speeds (or any speed for that matter) to begin with! What about the safety of the rest of us on the road who unknowingly drive amongst these sub-par drivers everyday? How humiliating to have to call a tow truck to come and change your tire ... even if I live to be ninety years old, it would be a cold day in !@#$ I have someone else come change my tire.